
Mississippi Poetry Society Festival - April 30

THE MISSISSIPPI POETRY SOCIETY is holding its annual festival at Lake Tiak O’Khata in Louisville, Mississippi, April 29-May 1, 2022. Saturday morning, April 30, at 10:15, the winners of our student contest will be reading their winning poems for us. Visitors who would like to be present for this special event will be welcome.

At 11:45 that day, our KEYNOTE SPEAKER, Dr. Benjamin Morris, will be presenting his lecture “From the Delta to the Coast: Recent Trends in Contemporary Mississippi Poetry.” Dr. Morris, a native Mississippian residing in Hattiesburg, is an award-winning poet, writer, and researcher whose work appears in the United States and Europe. Please join us in Honeysuckle Hall for one or both of these special events. Visitors who come in at other times will also be welcome.

Admission is free to visitors.

For more information, call (662) 538-8630.