
Library Offers Adult Literacy Materials to Public

What is basic adult literacy, and why is it important? Literacy is the ability to read, write, speak, and listen in a way that lets us communicate effectively. It allows us to make sense of the world through various written, visual, and spoken texts. Literacy gives access to information and significantly reduces gender, race, nationality, and religious inequality that favors one group over another, whether dealing with access to education,property, employment, health care, or civic participation.

This past year, the Louisville Rotary Club provided a generous donation to the Winston County

Library with an intended use toward literacy. With their contribution, the library purchased

literacy materials for public use. “We are grateful to be able to offer these resources to the

public,” said librarian Beth Edwards. “Rotary’s mission is literacy, and we are proud to partner

with them in helping to promote this for Winston County citizens.”

Do you need help with reading or writing, or do you know someone who does? You are

encouraged to take advantage of these free resources. Reading hardships are often a hidden

struggle. If someone confides in you about their struggles or desire to improve reading skills,

take the time to listen and support them.

Please share information about the literacy-based resources available at the Winston County

Library and let them know they are not alone. This past year, a man in his 70s who could not

read is now reading at a fourth-grade level, thanks to this program at your local library.

Also, you can become a volunteer. You can support this program by offering your time, skills,

and expertise with as little as one to two hours a week. We would love to have you join us!

Please share this information with your family, social group, church, fellow employees, and

anyone else who can benefit from this service! Remember that literacy is one of the greatest

gifts, and the Winston County Library has the tools to help.

For more information, please visit or contact the Winston County Library at 662-773-3212.